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Star Chart, Wall, North & South Sky Grades:6 -12 AEP- 400

Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
Star Chart, Wall, North & South Sky Compare night skies from the northern and southern hemispheres with this large 44" x 44" royal blue star chart. Constructed of strong, plasticized material, this chart highlights constellations, stars, nebulae and the milky way. Chart can be rotated to reflect any date of observation. Dry erasable.
  • $69.99
  • Weight
    0.91 lbs
  • SKU
    AEP- 400
Star Chart, Wall, North & South Sky Compare night skies from the northern and southern hemispheres with this large 44" x 44" royal blue star chart. Constructed of strong, plasticized material, this chart highlights constellations, stars, nebulae and the milky way. Chart can be rotated to reflect any date of observation. Dry erasable.